
有超过 80 courses that transfer, and with bridge programs and transfer agreements with many of South Carolina's major four-year institutions, 像南加州大学, 克莱姆森, 兰德和更多, Piedmont Technical College is the smart place to start work toward your bachelor's degree.

在皮埃蒙特理工大学, you'll get personal attention from experienced instructors who are focused on helping you succeed--right from the start.

最重要的是, when you graduate from your destination school, you'll have the same degree as someone who started there as a freshman--without the debt.

How 大学转 Works

  1. Enroll in one of our transfer degree programs, bridge programs or in a specific transfer pathway. Our transfer and admissions counselors will help you decide which is right for you and will work with you to select the right courses.
  2. Complete the required course work at Piedmont Tech.
  3. 转移 to a four-year college or university to complete your studies. If you participate in one of our specific transfer programs, and meet the requirements, admission into your institution of choice is often guaranteed.